Following fashion for lots of people means to wear all the latest trends and throw away everything that was trendy last season. Well, I'm trying not to buy something that is super trendy, and looks ugly and uncomfortable, something that I will not be able to wear once the fashion season is over.
Did not you notice that some clothes or shoes have date of issue written all over them? Well, I'm not ideal and sometimes I buy such items, so people with good memory can say what year they were made... But most of my clothes, shoes and accessories lives more than one season. I love rounded toe, platform, classic shape heels and I do not care what is trendy now. I like certain size and shape purses, I'm not a big fan of jewelries but love scarves...

Almost every item from my closet I could wear five years ago and will be able to wear in five years from now. Well, may be in different mix, because I do not think I would wear purse that does not match anything else in my outfit 10 years ago... or wear shorter sleeves on top of longer, or two tank-tops together... I think those are more recent trends, but all my tops, purses or shoes by themselves could exist when I was in high school!
This bodysuit from last year, Still love it, still look good in it! Shoes are also from last summer! Super high heels but really well made shoes and platform makes them super comfy! I know that latest trends are pointed toes and no platform in front, but I do not care. I am old enough to know exactly what I like and I leave all experiments for younger people!
Pants, cardigan and belt - recent puchases, but I believe you will see them again in a year or two!
I am crazy about colors, I like mixing them, and I do follow Pantone page on Facebook to know what colors gonna be trendy next. But it's more like a game, inspiration, discovery of new combination and mixtures...
I'm old fashioned... Long-long ago my mom told me that clothes must be clean, well, tailored, ironed and go well together. And I still follow this principals, just because it's something that will never be out of date.
I'm wearing:
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