Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Memorial Day @ Viking lake – Озеро Викингов

Sometimes we travel  across the country to find a nice place to take photos, but there are so many places really close to us and just as pretty and interesting as all others! And funny, but people from other towns and states, from hundreds miles away come here!  So we are learning to appreciate and enjoy what we already have! This Memorial weekend we went to Viking lake and  had really fun time there!

Иногда мы едем за тысячу весрст, чтобы сфотографировать что-то красивое и интересное. Но ведь вокруг нас столько милых и замечательных мест! И многие из других городов и штатов приезажют за сотни миль именно сюда к нам! Нужно научиться любить и ценить красоту вокруг! Этот выходной мы съездили в очередной раз на Озеро Викингов и провели замечательный вечер.

Grey Skinny Jeans – my new love! Моя новая любовь: Серые скини!

I never wore skinny jeans until I purchased one in dark blue.  After I reviewed my virtual wardrobe I realize that I wore those really often: they're easy to mix, really comfy and I like most of my looks in them. So now I went to a lighter color which is better for and  I picked grey.

I would say that I like grey better than black. Everything in black looks more official to me even if it’s a pair of jeans (I had one of course). Every time I put on something in black I spent about half an hour cleaning off cats/dogs hair what I never do wearing grey!  So you can say I’m lazy which is absolutely true! But I do like how great grey looks with different colors: bright or pastels.

Никогда не носила скини джинсы. Пока однажды не купила себе пару темно-синего цвета.  Просмотрев свой виртуальный гардероб, я поняла, что ношу эти джинсы даже чаще, чем остальные: темно синие джинсы легко миксуются с другой одеждой в моем гардеробе, очень удобные, и мне просто нравится большинство моих луков с ними. Поэтому я решила попробовать оттенок посвелее для весны и остановилась на серых...

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Organizing my virtual closet / Организация виртуального гардероба

I'm lucky to have a walk-in-closet / dressing room. But (in despite what most of you think) the more space you have the harder it's to find anything there and to organize it. Sometimes I still have to move some of my items to boxes and bags and (out of sight - out of mind) I forget what I have and where... Being a computer-addicted just as much as shopoholic I decided to turn both my passions into one and created a "virtual wardrobe". 

I started a page on Facebook AlwaysJuNe1, mostly for myself and for my dearest husband :-).
For each peace of clothes, pair of shoes or purse I started an album. Every time I mix a new outfit I add a picture in each album with what I used for this look. Every photo has links to albums and if I want to see... lets say... what else I've ever worn with this sweater I just click on the link! This way I can think how else I can combine my clothes shoes and accessories without repeating look I already had!

Sorting my last year pictures I realized that some items I wear really often and some pieces I hardly use, some tops or bottoms  are really easy to mix and some I probably should not even buy... Ok, I not gonna return them anyway, but it gives me something to think about before I click "place an order"...